Meizu, a renowned player in the smartphone market, has recently made a groundbreaking announcement, signaling its entry into the world of augmented reality (AR). The company introduced the Flyme AR system, touted as the first-ever mobile-level interactive experience AR system. Alongside this exciting development, Meizu also unveiled the MYVU augmented reality glasses, pushing the boundaries of immersive technology. Let's delve into the details and explore the remarkable features of these innovative products.
Meizu Flyme AR System: At the highly anticipated Meizu Autumn Unbounded Ecosystem Conference, the Flyme AR system stole the spotlight. Meizu claims it to be a pioneering AR system that brings mobile-level interactive experiences to users. This revolutionary system signifies Meizu's commitment to technological advancements and their dedication to providing users with innovative and captivating experiences. With the official unveiling scheduled at the conference, tech enthusiasts eagerly await further details about this cutting-edge AR system.
MYVU Augmented Reality Glasses: Accompanying the Flyme AR system is the MYVU augmented reality glasses, available in two versions: the standard edition and the advanced MYVU Discovery. Designed to provide a seamless and immersive AR experience, these glasses redefine lightweight and comfortable wear.
The standard MYVU AR glasses weigh a mere 43 grams, making them the lightest AR glasses in the world. Meizu achieves this feat by utilizing a tiny projector based on 0.4 mm MicroLED LEDs, projecting images directly onto the lens in front of the user's eyes. The glasses support regular clear lenses as well as sunglasses, catering to different user preferences. Boasting an impressive image brightness of up to 1100 cd/m2, these glasses ensure vibrant visuals. Compact speakers and voice control capabilities further enhance the user experience.
For those seeking enhanced features, the MYVU Discovery edition weighs 71 grams and features a body crafted from aviation magnesium-aluminum alloy.
Powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1 processor, it offers robust performance. With a battery life of up to 8 hours, users can enjoy extended AR experiences without interruption. The design team behind the Meizu 20 Infinity smartphone, renowned for its sleek design, has developed the MYVU Discovery glasses. The Flyme AR operating system, coupled with the voice AI assistant Aicy, adds intelligent functionalities to the glasses.