Written by #xrom - "Metaverse is clearly the future but the future isn't here yet"

In the next few year & within this decade every brand or a company will need to have a presence on the Metaverse, Gen-Z are digital natives they socialize
,learn, play, shop & even earn from digital presence.
Miniaturization of #technology & growth of compute capability will spawn mini Metaverse's on Web 3.0, Customer transition from the physical to the virtual world has already begun......brands will have to go where the customers go.....the decision brands/companies need to make is "do we wait it out or start moving now"?.
I wish that Brands & companies who wish to enter the Metaverse move away from the current strategy of just leveraging short term marketing opportunity to a
long term vision, commitment & investment towards becoming future ready.
For sure there are various challenges which needs to be overcome to shape an Interoperable, Equitable, Decentralized, Open Metaverse.
Vishal Shah the man in charge of everything to do with Metaverse at #Meta believes that the Metaverse is the successor to the mobile internet, but even he has been upset with the Metaverse.
Meta’s VR social network Horizon Worlds is unpopular with employees and has serious problems with quality, according to an internal company memo, The Verge reported. The company’s VP of metaverse Vishal Shah, who replaced Vivek Sharma, pleaded with employees last month to take time out of their day to “fall in love” with Horizon Worlds, following another message detailing a number of issues with the product. The platform was released on Meta’s VR headset in December last year and is due for release on mobile and desktop in the near future, but given its clear problems it looks like the launch could be pushed back. Shah’s email, dated Sept. 15, explained that the platform is lacking in quality and usability. “Since launching late last year, we have seen that the core thesis of Horizon Worlds—a synchronous social network where creators can build engaging worlds—is strong,” he wrote. “But currently feedback from our creators, users, play testers, and many of us on the team is that the aggregate weight of papercuts, stability issues, and bugs is making it too hard for our community to experience the magic of Horizon. Simply put, for an experience to become delightful and retentive, it must first be usable and well crafted.” He noted that the onboarding experience in particular was “confusing and frustrating,” and that they must “introduce new users to top-notch worlds that will ensure their first visit is a success.” Employees must ‘fall in love’ with Horizon Worlds However, the key indicator for the platform’s success, according to Shah, is how much the platform is actually being used internally. “For many of us, we don’t spend that much time in Horizon, and our dogfooding dashboards show this pretty clearly,” Shah said. “Why is that? Why don’t we love the product we’ve built so much that we use it all the time? The simple truth is, if we don’t love it, how can we expect our users to love it?” Shah told employees that “everyone in this organization should make it their mission to fall in love with Horizon Worlds. You can’t do that without using it. Get in there. Organize times to do it with your colleagues or friends, in both internal builds but also the public build so you can interact with our community.” The metaverse was mocked earlier this year when CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted a “selfie” of his metaverse avatar, attracting mass criticism with many saying the graphics left much to be desired. In response, Zuckerberg posted an updated version of his avatar to Instagram, adding that the improved graphics would be rolled out at Meta’s annual Connect conference on Oct. 11.
#zuckerberg is deeply vested in shaping our tomorrow, yes we are still in the early stage and like all early stage tech stack Metaverse too has it's own set of engineering problems.....but the bright side is that it's not just Meta but some of the best minds, big-tech such as #apple #google #microsoft #tencent #samsung #nvidia #qualcomm & some of the brightest #extendedreality #startups in the world are working on solving those problems.

As mentioned in the Beginning of this article #metaverse is the #future & i am sure nobody wants to be disrupted, caught unaware like we all did with #covid.
The Innovation train is packed with disruptive tech in the form of #ai #genetics #5g #cleanenergy #quantumcomputing #metaverse plus #web3 and it is on full-speed ahead...... blink & you could miss it......Dont Miss the Ride of the Lifetime.