Dr.M.Manivannan a professor of Biomedical Engineering in IIT Madras, Department of Applied Mechanics & also the Founder of CAVE- Consortium of Augmented reality and Virtual Reality Experts has been working towards building a sustainable #augmentedreality #virtualreality industry in India.

He also happens to be a pioneer in the field of Haptics and is the Founder/Chairman at Merkel Haptics which is a spinoff company from #IITMadras.
Merkel Haptics is engaged in design and development of hardware and software for simulators using advanced virtual reality systems along with haptic feedback technology for training of skills in an immersive environment.
Prof Manivannan & CAVE are looking for bringing together #extendedreality #startsups #MSME from #india and around the globe that are capable of making School Education projects in VR/AR/MR.
As a consortium CAVE will be demonstrating the capability of #immersiveeducation to an education minister at IIT Madras Research Park next month.
If you are an #ar #vr #mr educational startup that can show a demo of existing product from your startup related to school or a make a PoC in the coming days then connect at
What project can you aim at: any XR project that school curriculum could benefit from.
Any project that improves the immersive experience of school education curriculum is what we are looking for.

A typical example could be that the Disection of frog or rat, or human anatomy could be demonstrated, chemical experiment could be demonstrated, physics experiment could be demonstrated